And help the Jewish Assistance Fund provide grants to help people get back on track

Please contact us with any questions and if you would like additional information about opportunities to support the Jewish Assistance Fund

Cindy Goodman-Leib

No goods or services are provided with a donation to the Jewish Assistance Fund. The Jewish Assistance Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are deductible to the extent permitted on federal and state income tax returns.

Donate to the Jewish Assistance
by sending a personal check

To make a donation by personal check,
complete our donation form and send it along with your check. (Microsoft Word version here.)

Please make checks payable to the Jewish Assistance Fund,
and send us to P.O. Box 8197, Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Questions? Need more information? Contact us
Cindy Goodman-Leib

Mark any life event with Jewish Assistance
Fund tribute cards

Send family and friends cards for any occasion including
new baby, new home, Bar or Bat Mitzvah, wedding, graduation, anniversary
And honor the memory of a loved one or friend, and wish a speedy recovery.

Make a donation to the Jewish Assistance Fund, and we will send you tribute cards:
Pack of 3 cards: $36
Pack of 6 cards: $72
Pack of 10 card: $108

By Credit Card:
Enter the information below and we will send you the cards

By Personal Check:
Print and complete our Tribute Card Form and send it along with your check. (Microsoft Word version here)

Questions? Need more information? Contact us
Cindy Goodman-Leib

The Jewish Assistance Fund welcomes your support in a variety of ways

Stock Donations

The Jewish Assistance Fund maintains an account with the Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh for stock donations. Please notify us and Cindy Goodman-Leib, our Executive Director will provide you with specific information to help facilitate this process.

Contact us

Matching Gifts and Planned Giving

Please contact us to explore these options and we can provide you with specific information.
Cindy Goodman-Leib 412.521.3237

"All Jews are responsible for each other."
Talmud Shavuot

Financial Help

available to the Western PA Jewish Community for pressing expenses, with No Repayment

Direct Impact on Economic Insecurity

Over 350 people of all ages living throughout 48 Western PA Zip Codes

Since 1985

Ensuring availability of confidential and accessible financial support